Entomo Helvetica is a Swiss entomological journal published by cantonal entomological societies and other institutions. It includes contributions on the ecology and faunistics of insects and other arthropods from Switzerland and its neighboring countries.more

Image: busdriverjens, photocase.demore


There are two ways to subscribe to Entomo Helvetica:

  1. The most cost-effective way is to subscribe via a cantonal entomological society or one of its regional partners. In these cases, a subscription to EH is generally part of the annual registration fee and can be ordered for Frs 25.- a year.
  2. Those who do not wish to become members of a society can subscribe to EH for Frs 30.- (+ shipping costs). You can subscribe at the following address: Anne.Freitag@vd.ch

Bank details

SEG - Entomo Helvetica
c/o info fauna - CSCF & karch
PostFinance, CH-3030 Berne
IBAN : CH73 0900 0000 1575 3973 3


Entomo Helvetica is a Swiss journal for both amateur and professional entomologists. The journal is published once a year in 950 copies.

Rate per page (16.5 x 24.0 cm)

- Within the text of the journal, on the left page
* Commercial advertisement: CHF 400.-
* Non-commercial advertisement (museums, non-profit groups): CHF 300.-
- On the inside of the back cover: CHF 500.-