Entomo Helvetica is a Swiss entomological journal published by cantonal entomological societies and other institutions. It includes contributions on the ecology and faunistics of insects and other arthropods from Switzerland and its neighboring countries.more

Image: busdriverjens, photocase.demore

Editorial team


Rainer Neumeyer
079 262 79 81
Email: info@entomohelvetica.ch

Editors (German)

Daniel Burckhardt, daniel.burckhardt@bs.ch
Andreas Kopp, koppandy@bluewin.ch
Daniel Roesti, daniel.roesti@bluewin.ch
Sämi Schär, saemi.schaer@gmail.com
Eva Sprecher-Uebersax, eva.sprecher@gmx.ch
Esther Vogel, esther.vogel@terra-typica.ch

Editors (French)

Yannick Chittaro, yannick.chittaro@infofauna.ch
Vivien Cosandey, vivien.cosandey@bluewin.ch
Anne Freitag, Anne.Freitag@vd.ch
​Dimitri Känel, info@dimitrikanel.com
Christian Monnerat, christian.monnerat@infofauna.ch
​​Andreas Sanchez, andreas.sanchez@infofauna.ch

Editors (Italian)

Marco Bernasconi, marco.bernasconi@lu.ch
Bärbel Koch, baerbel.koch@hotmail.com

Editor (English)

Jessica Litman, jessica.litman@unine.ch


Franz-Xaver Dillier, fxd@bluewin.ch


Yohan Collaud, yohan.collaud@infofauna.ch